
Friday, August 06, 2004

//love letter  

mommy g, one of the few people here at work that i can relate to so well, sent this to me. this is a letter she wrote for someone who, once upon a time, was the one and only man of her life. until another one came along...

This is not easy for me to write. But considering that I was half awake the entire morning because of all these thoughts running around in my head, I really feel that I should send this.

I got to thinking that a lot of people would disagree with what we share. But in my heart I know this to be right. That we are where we are (in spite of the awful timing, if you will) because there is no other place and time where we should be. We met when we did and came together when we did because that was when we were most prepared, most ready to be together. Right or wrong, I truly believe that.

Thing is, I have never been in a situation like this before and I find myself in unfamiliar waters.

Truth be told, I just want to make you happy. I want to be there for you -- I want to be the one who wakes you up with kisses in the morning and the same one who kisses you till you fall into restful sleep at night. I want to be the one you rush home for and the one who makes you smile when you think of me during the day. Simply put, I want to lay the world at your feet -- or to be able to try to do so, at least.

Do not get me wrong. To be in love with you is a decision, and one that I made after coming clean with myself and being honest with what I was really feeling.

The reality as I hold it to be true is that we are meant to be together. In the deepest recesses of my soul, I hold this sacred. And that is why choosing you, even it meant giving up my family, is the only thing I was ever completely sure of.

I may be, at times, a very juvenile and very emotional 26 year old. But as you may have glimpsed, I have also been toughened by the years and have become a bit
of a hardened old soul in some respects.

That is, until you.

I had nearly given up hope of ever finding someone I could really be myself with. But you came into my life when I least expected it and I realized a very important truth: that when you meet the person who makes your heart sing and your spirit soar, you don't turn your back on such a precious gift. When you find the person who makes you want to become better than who you are now then you know this to be nothing short of extraordinary - a miracle of the most beautiful kind.

One does not need a lifetime to know the beauty of what we have discovered and to realize its value, its true worth.

I do not know what happens after this.

All I do know for sure is that I love you.

And I will hold on to that for the rest of my life.


Note: "What happened after this?" you may ask...


Mommy G is now a 28-year old mother to a beautiful baby boy.

And happily living her dreams of forever with the father of her child -- the same man who was the inspiration for this letter.



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