
Thursday, October 09, 2003

While taking my morning break 5 minutes ago, i saw a crane parked outside the refinery. Although much smaller, the trusses resembled those of another ultra-hyper-large crane we used during our turnaround shutdown in 2002. Which brings me to today's set of musings.

A few of the unique and daring stuff I have done in recent memory:

1. Went up a 300 ft tall structure using a manbasket hoisted by an ultra-hyper large crane from ground level. It was like taking an elevator but the difference is, we're completely suspended and our lives were at the hands of those who designed and constructed (welded, yikes) the crane, the manbasket and the wire ropes.

2. Drank a bottle of ginebra san miguel gin bilog during my college days. The last image I have of that feat was me finishing half. Everything else that followed was all black. Not fuzzy, but black.

3. In Malaysia, I did a pathetic juggling act with a clown in front of a crowd of about 50-60 inside their Kuala Lumpur's biggest shopping mall.

4. Speaking of performances, I serenaded an old gf outside our dormitory with several friends, while all the girls on the building's wing were watching. An applause, I suppose, followed from my uninvited audience, but I was paying too much attention to trying to control my knees from shaking to actually remember anything.

5. After passing the board exams, being the one with the highest score among those present (number one guy was stranded in Mindanao, I was number 2) it was my task to deliver the speech in behalf of the inductees. The chairman of the PSME reviewed my speech, and asked me to change certain parts. I delivered my original piece anyway, focusing on un-engineer words like "the evils of globalization." I got a standing ovation, and the faculty members of DLSU asked me for a copy. My rebellious shining moment.

6. As a 2 year old kid, I bit Marcos' leg. He bit me while i was playing, and I just got even. Marcos was our family dog.

Whew, this reminds me of an airline ad.

When was the last time you did something for the first time?



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